LoneScale vs Apollo.io
to track job changes

Track customers' job changes require daily refreshing data.
Apollo.io is great for company data and contact emails but it's not built for triggers and intent data.

Get promotions and job movements that matter to you, every day
Automate and integrate with your tech stack and workflows
Protect your data. LoneScale is SOC-2 and GDPR compliant & never had a security breach.

With Apollo.io triggers, you're missing out on 47% of warm leads

Features available
Average ROI (Return on Investment)
Refreshing frequency
7 days
90 days
Track customers, users, or prospects job changes
Retroactively update all contacts that already changed jobs
Track entire CRM and product users for job movements
Automatically create new contacts
Detect hiring buying intent
Instant data fetching
CRM and sales engagement tools integration
Unlimited seats
Quality US & European data

Choose granularity, personalization, and autonomy
to turn job changes into revenue.

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