Updated on
January 19, 2024

Outbound campaign - Personalized sequences with prospects' tools

How to use prospects stack of tools to send outbound campaigns and increase number of meetings booked
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Use case: You want to use company's tools stack as a variable in your outbound campaign

In the creation of your copywriting, you may wonder how to create the perfect personalization/segmentation pairing.

Here’s a tip: the tools that are used by your target audience say a lot about its buying intents. And if you detect them with LoneScale, it means that the companies in your results are scaling up!

🔗 How to detect tools stacks with LoneScale

Day 1. Email - First reach

Subject A: Alan <> LoneScale

Subject B: Alan needs in lead generation

Hi Louise,

Congrats on Alan's growth !

I am Marion, Lead Growth Marketing at LoneScale. My motto: Your dream leads exists. You just need the right data to reach them.

I noticed that you are about to welcome a Sales Manager. Lately, LoneScale has help a lot of Insurance companies (as Allianz) to get warm and qualified leads.

Here’s a little gift to to welcome your next Sales Manager: Playbook n°5. I hope you’ll enjoy the treat.

Let me know what you thing of it!

Feel free to directly answer to this email or to book a slot in my agenda right here.

Looking forward to reading from you,


Day 5. LinkedIn interaction (post or comment)

Day 10. Email - Reminder

Subject A: Louise, hit your ROI with LoneScale

Subject B: Get 15% more qualified leads as your Sales Manager is settling

Good morning Louise,

How is your search for candidates going ?

If you wonder how to support your Sales team to reach ready to buy leads, I can help.

This week, we provided an average of 128 qualified prospects to our Insurance business customers.

Let’s organize a call! Are you available Tuesday at 4 p.m.?

Have a nice day,


Day 15. Phone call or voice message on LinkedIn

Day 22. Email - 2nd reminder

Subject A: LoneScale will blow your Sales Manager team minds

Subject B: Louise, increase your Sales team productivity of 18%

Hey Louise,

I guess you’re being snowed under with this quarter ending.

Maybe I can help? As you know, my goal is to help you maximize your sales teams prospecting with a simple tool.

Looking forward to hear from you,


Day 32. Email - Last reminder

Subject A: /

Subject B: New Sales Manager: last call for the special offer

Hello Louise,

Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from you since you’ve posted the advert for a Sales Manager.

Maybe you’re not the person in charge, whom do you recommend I reach out to?

I'll leave you with a LoneScale free trial. Let me know if I can ever be of help to you.

Have a nice day,


Still have questions?

If you haven't found the answer you were looking for, please ask our lovely team here: ❤️

Alexandre DEPRES
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